2. Psych. process
The basis for any iTV format should be a psychological process. This facilitates the emotional effect and provides grounds for the cost of interactivity. The psychological process is:
- In a simple case the reconditioning of a psychological state
- In a complex case the mapping of a psychological change process
With television a mass medium, the process can naturally also be a collective-psychological or social one.
In terms of content, it can revolve around important circumstances, e.g.:
- Self-discovery during puberty
- Love at old age
- A collective fear
Likewise or moreover, the contents can revolve around direct emotions or everyday experiences. E.g.:
- Experiencing enjoyment of exercise
- Handling pocket money
- Beauty
In all instances, the contents grip the viewer in an emotional way. Expressed in alternate terms: The contents relate to the psychological energy of the viewer. The TV programme addresses the aforementioned internal tension.
The initiation of a psychological process is also possible through films or classic-passive television formats. However, the process predominantly remains projected at the actor or the talk-show guest. The film remains "fiction" and the talk-show remains a "circus".
Considerably more intensive and conscious is emotional development through the integration of interactive elements. The process is thus
- Individual
- Social and
- Active
The generation of a profile of a fictitious but definitive representative of the target groups may be helpful as an orientation and starting point for the authors. In addition to the exterior, habitus, life and personal background, it is primarily the personality that brings ideas, for example in the form of:
- Secrets
- Victories and defeats
- Hopes and anxieties
- Likes and dislikes
- Superficial and more deeply-rooted needs
Harald Molina-Tillmann
Introduction to interactive television
2. Psychological process