If the "inner" psychological process has been found then it is necessary to manifest and embellish this in an "external" theme. The theme can originate from very different areas.
Physical body
An example would be "I'm a celebrity....get me out of here", which is primarily based on challenging the body (e.g. the skin or stomach).
In contrast, "The Swan" is based on the theme of transforming the body to achieve beauty.
A seldom banal yet successful format on the subject of knowledge is "Who wants to be a millionaire?" The interaction is restricted here to the question "would I have known that?".
This area offers extensive potential for a wide range of iTV format themes. However, there is a risk in terms of quota because the knowledge level of the viewers is so varied.
Perhaps the best format in this field was created by the Japanese with "Takeshi's Castle". The elimination contest, which is a common central element in interactive television, does not precede the TV show here but actually IS the TV show.
Social intelligence
Themes from this field work on dealing with unusual but essential social coexistence. A prime example is the classic "Big Brother". A nice idea in this sector was "Girlscamp". It was a shame that the execution was as poor as the idea was good.
Themes can be based on a wide range of interests. Good examples include science fiction, astrology or puppet theatre.
Such themes lay the foundations for considerably more interesting and effective iTV formats. Unfortunately the target group shrinks and with it the financial success with less popular interests.
Quasi predestined for interactive format are themes which are based on sexual interests or likings.
A theme has an added effect if it appears to be altruistic. A dedication to others or to a "higher" emotion and identification thus forms the basis for interaction.
Harald Molina-Tillmann
Introduction to interactive television
3. Theme
3. Theme